The answer to the Crostic clue "The headless horseman scrambled after scattered dimes" is:


Here's how you get from here to there. First, separate the word 'misdemeanors' into two parts: 'misde' and 'meanors'. Take the first five letters and rearrange them into the word 'dimes'. So, we have the letters of 'misde' "scattered" into 'dimes'.

Next, rearrange the 7-letter word 'meanors' to get the word 'orseman', which is 'horseman' without the 'h' - headless horseman, get it? Now we have the "headless horseman, scrambled"

Finally put them together and you get the word misdemeanors - the "headless horseman, scrambled, after scattered dimes".

Can you even imagine the twisted brain it took to come up with this?